

  • 大気圏-電離圏統合モデルの完成

    大気圏モデル、電離圏モデル、ダイナモモデルをシステマティックに結合し、世界に先駆けて対流圏から電離圏までの全地球大気領域を扱う数値モデルの開発に成功した。モデル名はGAIA(Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy)とした。
  • 電離圏の経度依存性の再現および上下結合過程の解明

    大気圏-電離圏統合シミュレーションを行い、電離圏の経度依存性を調べたところ、近年人工衛星で観測されたような波数4構造が再現されることが解った。さらに、対流圏との関連を調べたところ、様々な大気波動が混在する中で、波数4構造のもとになる大気潮汐が下層大気の対流活動によって励起し、熱圏まで伝播し、ダイナモ作用を介して電離圏に影響を与えることが解った(図1)。また、電離圏日々変動の一因として、下層大気における気象の影響を示唆する結果を得た([Jin et al., 2011])。
    図1:大気圏-電離圏統合モデル(GAIA)で再現された大気上下結合[Jin et al., 2011]
  • 熱圏分布における「赤道異常」の再現とその生成要因の解明

    電離圏F領域における電子密度は、太陽光強度の最も大きい赤道でなく、磁気緯度±10-15度付近にピークが現れる事(赤道異常)が知られる。一方、最近の人工衛星による観測からは、電離圏の背景にある熱圏の分布においても、「赤道異常」の構造が発見され、形成要因について議論が続いている。我々は大気圏-電離圏統合シミュレーションを行い、モデルにおいても電離圏だけでなく熱圏の赤道異常が再現されることが解った(図2)。そして、詳細な解析を行ったところ、中性大気と電離大気の相互作用の影響に加えて、下層大気から直接熱圏上部まで伝播する大気潮汐が熱圏赤道異常の形成に寄与するという新たな見解を得た。さらに、電離圏だけでなく熱圏上部においても波数4の経度構造が現れることが解り、超高層大気が下層大気の影響を深く受けているという新たな描像を得た[Miyoshi et al., 2011]。
    図2: 熱圏質量密度の赤道異常:上が観測[Liu et al., 2010]。
    下が大気圏-電離圏統合モデルの計算結果[Miyoshi et al., 2011]。
  • 高分解能シミュレーションによる超高層大気現象の再現

    大気圏モデルの高空間分解能化を行い、シミュレーションを行ったところ、下層大気の対流活動によって励起する水平波長数100~数1000kmの重力波が熱圏まで伝播する様子が再現された。Miyoshi and Fujiwara [2009]では、モデルで再現された熱圏中の重力波の特徴を調べ、さらに経度に依存する下層大気の対流活動と熱圏の重力波との関連を明らかにした。陣ほか[2011]では高分解能化したダイナモモデルに高分解能大気圏モデルの結果を入力し、熱圏の重力波の影響が十分に電離圏電場分布に現れることを示した。
    Shinagawa et al. [2009]は、電離圏モデルの高分解能化を行い、2009年7月22日に日本で起こった皆既日食の際の電離圏についてシミュレーションを行った。そして、日本上空の全電子数の観測とモデルの両面から日食の電離圏への影響(月の影の移動に伴う電子密度減少領域の移動など)を明らかにした。
  • 気象再解析データを入力した大気圏-電離圏シミュレーションと観測との比較

    GAIAの対流圏・成層圏部分に気象再解析データをナッジングによって入力する方法を開発した。さらに、太陽放射強度についても実際に観測されたF10.7指数の変動をモデルに取り入れた。これらにより、実際の下層大気の影響を含んだ、現実に近い超高層大気のモデリングが実現した(磁気圏擾乱の影響は除く)。このモデルを用いて長期間のシミュレーション(現時点では数ヶ月間)を行い、全球全電子数の観測と比較を行った。陣ほか[2010, 2011]は初期結果を報告し、電離圏の赤道異常の位置や南北非対称を含めて良く再現出来ることを明らかにした。


Andoh, S., A. Saito, H. Shinagawa, Physical mechanism for the temporary intensification of wintertime sporadic E layers in 2009, Earth Planets Space, accepted.
Miyoshi, Y., and Shinagawa, H. (2023) Upward propagation of gravity waves and ionospheric perturbations triggered by the 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption. Earth Planets Space 75, 68. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-023-01827-2
Andoh, S., Saito, A., & Shinagawa, H. (2023). E-field effects on day-to-day variations of geomagnetic mid-latitude sporadic E layers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA031167. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA031167
Andoh, S., Saito, A. & Shinagawa, H. (2023) Simulation of horizontal sporadic E layer movement driven by atmospheric tides. Earth Planets Space 75, 86. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-023-01837-0
Kataoka, R., D. Shiota, H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, C. Tao, H. Shinagawa, and Y. Miyoshi (2022), Unexpected space weather causing the reentry of 38 Starlink satellites in February 2022, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2022034. --> NICTのお知らせに掲載
Andoh, S., Saito, A., & Shinagawa, H. (2022). Numerical simulations on day-to-day variations of low-latitude Es layers at Arecibo. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(7), e2021GL097473. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097473
Sobhkhiz-Miandehi, S., Y. Yamazaki, C. Arras, and Y. Miyoshi and H. Shinagawa (2022), Comparison of the tidal signatures in sporadic E and vertical ion convergence rate, using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation observations and GAIA model, Earth, Planets and Space, doi.org/10.1186/s40623-022-01637-y, 74.
Kogure, M., H. Liu, and C. Tao (2022), Mechanisms for zonal mean wind responses in the thermosphere to doubled CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030643. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JA030643.
Yasui, Y., K. Sato, and Y. Miyoshi (2021), Roles of Rossby Waves, Rossby-Gravity Waves, and Gravity Waves Generated in the Middle Atmosphere for Interhemispheric Coupling, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0045.1, 78, 3867-3888.
Andoh, S., Saito, A., & Shinagawa, H. (2021). Temporal evolution of three-dimensional structures of metal ion layer around Japan simu-lated by a midlatitude ionospheric model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126(6), e2021JA029267. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JA029267
Kusano, K., K. Ichimoto, M. Ishii, Y. Miyoshi, S. Yoden, H. Akiyoshi, A. Asahi, Y. Ebihara, H. Fujiwara, T. Goto, U. Hanaoka, H. Hayakawa, K. Hosokawa, H. Hotta, K. Hozumi, S. Imada, K. Iwai, T. Iyermori, H. Jin, R. Kataoka, Y. Kato, T. Kikuchi,Y. Kubo, S. Kurita, H. Matsumoto, T. Mitani, H. Miyahara, Y. Miyoshi, A. Nakamizo, S. Nakamura, H. Nakata, N. Nishizuka, Y. Otsuka, S. Saito, S. Saito, T. Sakurai, T. Sato, T. Shimizu, H. Shinagawa, K. Shiokawa, D. Shiota, T. Takashima, C. Tao, S. Toriumi, S. Ueno, K. Watanabe, S. Watari, S. Yashiro, K. Yoshida, and A. Yoshikawa (2021), "PSTEP: Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction", Earth, Planets and Space, 73:159, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-021-01486-1.
Yamazaki, Y., & Miyoshi, Y. (2021). Ionospheric signatures of secondary waves from quasi-6-day wave and tide interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028360. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028360
Sivakandan, M., Y. Otsuka, Priyanka Ghosh, H. Shinagawa, A. Shinbori, and Y. Miyoshi (2021), Comparison of seasonal and longitudinal variation of daytime MSTID activity using GPS observation and GAIA simulations, Earth Planets Space, doi.org/10.1186/s40623-021-01369-5, 73.
Liu, H., C. Tao, H. Jin, and T. Abe (2021), Examining geomagnetic activity effects on CO2-driven trend in the thermosphere and ionosphere using ideal model experiments with GAIA, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 126, 1, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028607.
Shinagawa, H., C. Tao, H. Jin, Y. Miyoshi, and H. Fujiwara (2021), Numerical prediction of sporadic E layer occurrence using GAIA. Earth Planets Space 73, 28. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-020-01330-y --> selected as one of the highlighted papers in 2021 (link)
Liu, H., C. Tao, H. Jin, and T. Abe (2021), Examining geomagnetic activity effects on CO2-driven trend in the thermosphere and ionosphere using ideal model experiments with GAIA, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 126, 1, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028607.
Andoh, S., Saito, A., Shinagawa, H., & Ejiri, M. K. (2020). First simulations of day-to-day variability of mid-latitude sporadic E layer structures. Earth Planets and Space, 72(165), 165. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-020-01299-8
Tao, C., H. Jin, Y. Miyoshi, H. Shinagawa, H. Fujiwara, M. Nishioka, and M. Ishiim (2020), Numerical forecast of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere using GAIA, Earth Planets Space, 72:178, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-020-01307-x.
Miyoshi, Y. and Y. Yamazaki (2020), Excitation mechanism of ionospheric 6‐day oscillation during the 2019 September sudden stratospheric warming event, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Phys., 125, 9, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028283.
Liu, H., C. Tao, H. Jin, and Y. Nakamozo (2020), Circulation and Tides in a Cooler Upper Atmosphere: Dynamical Effects of CO2 Doubling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL087413, doi.org:10.1029/2020GL087413.
Sun, Y.-Y., H. Liu, Y. Miyoshi, L. C. Chang, and L. Liu (2019), Nino-Southern Oscillation effect on ionospheric tidal/SPW amplitude in 2007-2015 FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC observations, Earth, Planets and Space, 71:35, doi:10.1186/s40623-019-1009-7.
Yasui, R., K. Sato, and Y. Miyoshi (2018), The momentum budget in the stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere. Part II: The in situ generation of gravity waves, J. Atmos. Sci., 3635–3651, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-17-0337.1.
Yamamoto, M., Y. Otsuka, H. Jin, and Y. Miyoshi (2018), Relationship between day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubble activity from GPS scintillation and atmospheric properties from Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA) assimilation, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5:26, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0184-7 (11page).
Shinagawa, H., H. Jin, Y. Miyoshi, H. Fujiwara, T. Yokoyama, and Y. Otsuka (2018), Daily and seasonal variations in the linear growth rate of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the ionosphere obtained with GAIA, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5:16, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0175-8, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0175-8 (14page). ->PSTEPウェブサイトでの研究紹介はこちら
Ishii, M., M. Den, H. Jin, Y. Kubo, Y. Kubota, A. Nakamizo, H. Shinagawa, D. Shiota, T. Tanaka, C. Tao, S. Watari, and T. Yokoyama (2018), Physics-Based Modeling Activity from the Solar Surface to the Earth's Atmosphere Including Magnetosphere and Ionosphere at NICT, Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 335, 284-287, doi:10.1017/S1743921317011668.
Yamazaki, Y., C. Stolle, J. Matzka, H. Liu, and C. Tao (2018), Interannual Variability of the Daytime Equatorial Ionospheric Electric Field, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 123, 5, 4241-4256, doi:10.1029/2017JA025165.
Sun, Y.-Y., H. Liu, Y. Miyoshi, L. Liu, and L. C. Chang (2018), El Niño-Southern Oscillation effect on quasi-biennial oscillations of temperature diurnal tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Earth, Planets and Space, 70:85 (10page).
Miyoshi Y., Jin, H., Fujiwara, H., and H. Shinagawa (2018), Numerical Study of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by an Upward Propagating Gravity Wave, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 123, 2141-2155, doi:10.1002/2017ja025110.
Tao, C., H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, H. Fujiwara, and Y. Miyoshi, Effect of intrinsic magnetic field decrease on the low- to middle-latitude upper atmosphere dynamics simulated by GAIA, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 9751-9762, doi:10.1002/2017JA024278, 2017.
Liu, H., Y.-Y. Sun, Y. Miyoshi, and H. Jin, ENSO effects on MLT diurnal tides: A 21 year reanalysis data-driven GAIA model simulation, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 5539–5549, doi:10.1002/2017JA024011, 2017.
Miyoshi, Y., D. Pancheva, P. Mukhtarov, H. Jin, H. Fujiwara and H. Shinagawa, Excitation mechanism of non-migrating tides, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar–Terrestrial Physics, 156, 24–36, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2017.02.012, 2017.
Shinagawa, H., Y. Miyoshi, H. Jin, and H. Fujiwara, Global distribution of neutral wind shear associated with sporadic E layers derived from GAIA, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023778, 2017.
Yamazaki, Y., H. Liu, Y.-Y. Sun, Y. Miyoshi, M. J. Kosch, and M. G. Mlynczak, Quasi-biennial oscillation of the ionospheric wind dynamo, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023684, 2017.
Pedatella, N. M., T.-W. Fang, H. Jin, F. Sassi, H. Schmidt, J. L. Chau, T. A. Siddiqui, and L. Goncharenko (2016), Multimodel comparison of the ionosphere variability during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 7204–7225, doi:10.1002/2016JA022859.
Miyoshi, Y., H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, and H. Shinagawa, Impacts of sudden stratospheric warming on general circulation of the thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, 10,897–10,912, doi:10.1002/2015JA021894, 2015.
Chang, L. C., Liu, H., Miyoshi, Y., Chen, C., Chang, F., Lin, C., Liu, J. and Sun, Y., Structure and origins of the Weddell Sea Anomaly from tidal and planetary wave signatures in FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC observations and GAIA GCM simulations. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120: 1325–1340. doi: 10.1002/2014JA020752, 2015.
Liu, H., Y. Miyoshi, S. Miyahara, H. Jin, H. Fujiwara, and H. Shinagawa, Thermal and dynamical changes of the zonal mean state of the thermosphere during the 2009 SSW: GAIA simulations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 6784–6791, doi:10.1002/2014JA020222, 2014.
Miyoshi, Y., H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, and H. Shinagawa, A global view of gravity waves in the thermosphere simulated by a general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 5807–5820, doi:10.1002/2014JA019848, 2014.
Pedatella, N. M., T. Fuller-Rowell, H. Wang, H. Jin, Yasunobu Miyoshi, H. Fujiwara, H. Shinagawa, H.-L. Liu, F. Sassi, H. Schmidt, V.Matthias, L. Goncharenko, The neutral dynamics during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming simulated by different whole atmosphere models, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 1306–1324, doi:10.1002/2013JA019421, 2014.
Liu, H. , H. Jin, Y. Miyoshi, H. Fujiwara, and H. Shinagawa, Upper atmosphere response to stratosphere sudden warming: Local time and height dependence simulated by GAIA model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 635–640, doi:10.1002/grl.50146, 2013.
Jin, H., Y. Miyoshi, D. Pancheva, P. Mukhtarov, H. Fujiwara, and H. Shinagawa, Response of migrating tides to the stratospheric sudden warming in 2009 and their effects on the ionosphere studied by a whole atmosphere-ionosphere model GAIA with COSMIC and TIMED/SABER observations, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A10323, doi:10.1029/2012JA017650, 2012.
Pancheva, D., Y. Miyoshi, P. Mukhtarov, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, and H. Fujiwara, Global response of the ionosphere to atmospheric tides forced from below: Comparison between COSMIC measurements and simulations by atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model GAIA, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A07319, doi:10.1029/2011JA017452, 2012.
Fujiwara, H., S. Nozawa, S. Maeda, Y. Ogawa, Y. Miyoshi, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, K. Terada, Polar cap thermosphere and ionosphere during the solar minimum period: EISCAT Svalbard radar observations and GCM simulations, Earth, Planet and Space, 64, 6, 2012.
Miyoshi, Y., H. Jin, H. Fujiwara, H. Shinagawa and H. Liu, Wave-4 structure of the neutral density in the thermosphere and its relation to atmospheric tide, J. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 2012.
Miyoshi, Y., H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, and H. Liu, Numerical simulation of the equatorial wind jet in the thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A03309, doi:10.1029/2011JA017373, 2012.
Miyoshi, Y., H. Fujiwara, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, H. Liu, and K. Terada, Numerical Simulation of the Equatorial Mass Density Anomaly, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A05322, doi:10.1029/2010JA016315, 2011.
Fujiwara, H., Y. Miyoshi, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa, and K. Terada, Characteristics of temperature and density structures in the equatorial thermosphere simulated by a whole atmosphere GCM, Aeronomy of the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere, Division II IAGA book, edited by Abdu, Pancheva, and Bhattacharya, Volume 2, Part 4, pp.329-337, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0326-1_24, 2011
Venkateswara Rao, N., T. Tsuda, S. Gurubaran, Y. Miyoshi, and H. Fujiwara, On the occurrence and variability of the terdiurnal tide in the equatorial Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and its comparison with the Kyushu-GCM, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D02117, 2011.
Jin, H., Y. Miyoshi, H. Fujiwara, H. Shinagawa, K. Terada, N. Terada, M. Ishii, Y. Otsuka, and A. Saito, Vertical Connection from the Tropospheric Activities to the Ionospheric Longitudinal Structure Simulated by a New Earth's Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupled Model, J. Geophys. Res. , 116, A01316, doi:10.1029/2010JA015925, 2011.
Fujiwara, H., and Y. Miyoshi, Morphological features and variations of temperature in the upper thermosphere simulated by a whole atmosphere GCM, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 427-437, 2010
Shinagawa, H., Ionosphere simulation, J. Natl. Inst. Inf. Comm. Technol., 56, 1-4, 199-207, 2009.
Miyoshi, Y., and H. Fujiwara, Gravity waves in the equatorial thermosphere and their relation to the lower atmospheric variability, Earth Planets Space, 61, 471-478, 2009.
Fujiwara, H., and Y. Miyoshi, Global structure of large-scale disturbances in the thermosphere produced by effects from the upper and lower regions: simulations by a whole atmosphere GCM, Earth Planets Space, 61, 463-470, 2009
Miyoshi, Y., and H. Fujiwara, J. M. Forbes, S. L. Bruinsma, The solar terminator wave and its relation to the atmospheric tide, Journal of Geophysical Re-search, 114, A07303, doi:10.1029/2009JA014110, 2009.
Jin, H., Y. Miyoshi, H. Fujiwara, and H. Shinagawa, Electrodynamics of the formation of ionospheric wave number 4 longitudinal structure, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A09307, doi:10.1029/2008JA013301, 2008.
Miyoshi, Y., and H. Fujiwara, Gravity waves in the thermosphere simulated by a general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D01101, doi:10.1029/2007JD008874, 2008.
Shinagawa, H., T. Iyemori, S. Saito, and T. Maruyama, A numerical simulation of ionospheric and atmospheric variations associated with the Sumatra earthquake on December 26, 2004, Earth Planets Space, 59, 1015-1026, 2007.
Shinagawa, H., and S. Ohyama, A two-dimensional simulation of thermospheric vertical winds in the vicinity of an auroral arc, Earth Planets Space, 58, 1173-1181, 2006.
Fujiwara, H., and Y. Miyoshi, Characteristics of the large-scale traveling atmospheric disturbances during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods simulated by a whole atmosphere general circulation model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L20108, doi:10.1029/2006GL027103, 2006.
Miyoshi, Y., Temporal variation of nonmigrating diurnal tide and its relation with the moist convective activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L11815, doi:10.1029/2006GL026072, 2006.
Miyoshi, Y., and H. Fujiwara, Excitation mechanism of intraseasonal oscillation in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14108, doi:10.1029/2005JD006993, 2006.
Miyoshi, Y., and H. Fujiwara, Day-to-day variations of migrating diurnal tide simulated by a GCM from the ground surface to the exobase, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(15), 1789, doi:10.1029/2003GL017695, 2003.