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The GAIA project combines atmospheric and ionospheric models (developed separately thus far), and targets the development of a simulation model for the whole global atmosphere. Upon being realized, this model will provide a powerful means of studying and solving such upper atmosphere issues as the vertical coupling in the Earth’s atmosphere. This project is also aimed at reproducing actual upper atmospheric variations by assimilating observation data into the GAIA model.
The demand for quantitative predictions of the situation in the upper atmospheric region has increased, along with brisker human activities in space in recent years. And in conjunction with the effects stemming from human activities, it has become more important to understand the long-term process of atmospheric variations. Thus, the development of a global atmospheric model is considered beneficial for such demand in the future.
In the field of academic research on the upper atmosphere, however, the coupling to the lower atmosphere has been an essential issue. Evidence regarding the interrelationship between ionospheric and tropospheric variations has been consistently reported based on recent observations using satellites and ground-based radars. A model applicable to the entire atmospheric region is thus needed to understand such vertical coupling from the troposphere through the ionosphere, as variations propagating across regions with different characteristics and complex dynamics must be handled.
Against such a background, efforts to develop models describing the vertical coupling in the Earth's atmosphere have intensified worldwide. This project aims to build the world's first global atmospheric model by mobilizing domestic resources. For this purpose, research using the GAIA model will address the following issues: