
Data Archive

Basic parameters for mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere regions simulated by GAIA are archived and published. Please click here to access the data archive with your acceptance of the terms below.
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There are access restrictions, so please contact gaia-web_AT_ml.nict.go.jp ("_AT_"->"@").

Terms and Conditions of Use of GAIA Products

    • 1. Purpose of Data Provision

      The Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA) is an Earth’s atmosphere–ionosphere coupled model that treats seamlessly the neutral atmospheric region from the troposphere to the thermosphere as well as the thermosphere–ionosphere interactions, including electrodynamics self-consistently.

      To reproduce and predict variations in the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere regions, GAIA has been developed by members of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Kyushu University, and Seikei University. The members provide the long-term simulation outputs and related data from GAIA for noncommercial usage in research on the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere regions.
    • 2. Data

      The data archive contains (1) long-term (from January 1996 to February 2018) basic parameters for the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere regions, (2) dataset published as research achievements, and (3) derived data, from the GAIA simulation. Data that the members judge to be inappropriate for disclosure will not be published.
    • 3. Data quality and management

      Members who developed GAIA will endeavor to ensure the quality and appropriate management of the published data. Note that the disclosure of data may be suspended or terminated because of various reasons.
    • 4. Data attribution and usage conditions

      Unless otherwise specified, the intellectual property rights of GAIA data belong to NICT, Kyushu University, and Seikei University. When data are acquired and created in collaboration with other research institutes, attribution of intellectual property rights is determined by agreement with those research institutes.

      Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of all or part of the data to any third party is prohibited without prior consent of a member involved in GAIA development.

      The source of the dataset used should be duly acknowledged in scientific and technical papers, publications, press releases, and other communications involving the data. Contacting the members involved in GAIA development before submitting the paper is also required. We encourage the appropriate citation of papers related to the GAIA model and/or the coauthoring of paper and reports with related members.

      -----Example of citation-----

      The dataset used for this study is from the Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA) project carried out by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Kyushu Universty, and Seikei University.
    • 5. Disclaimer

      Members who developed GAIA and their affiliated organizations are not responsible for any damages arising from the quality and use of the data.